Saturday, April 21, 2012

Women´s International Day

Issued year - 2011, March
100th anniversary of International Women’s Day

The other commemorative coin sent by Xav, a French euro coin collector, in our last swap, in exchange for portuguese commemorative coins.
The inner part of the coin commemorating the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on 8 March, features effigies of Isala Van Diest, the first female Belgian medical doctor, and Marie Popelin, the first female Belgian lawyer above a semicircle formed by their names and the symbols of their professions on either side of the year 2011. 
See last post
Issuing volume: 5.000.000

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Battle of Marathon...from Greece, obviously!

Issuance year - 2010, October
2.500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon 

Xav, from France, sent me the Greek coin depicted in the image, along with the Belgium "100th anniversary of International Women's Day" coin, (see next post) and also some  missing currency coins, as a result of our last and only swap, happening last January.
The coin commemorates the 2.500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon. The centre of the coin shows a synthesis of a shield and a runner/warrior representing the struggle for freedom and the noble ideals that the Battle of Marathon stands for. The bird on the shield symbolises the birth of Western civilisation in its present form.
Thanks, Xav.
Issuing volume: 2.500.000